DgEd provides a platform for parents to track the progress of their children at school, monitor daily task updates
DgEd provides a platform for parents to track the progress of their children at school, monitor daily task updates, receive teacher notes to parents and much more with a single touch of a finger.
Most importantly DgEd helps ensure safety by allowing parents to follow their children with every footstep out of home up to school and back. Likewise, DgEd works to save time and reduce workload on teachers by organizing timetables, attendance records of students and staff, carrying out child performance evaluation together with maintaining true confidentiality of individual students among parents.
We are trying to bridge the gap between parents and teachers using technology. Our app will impact daily tasks performed by teachers in making them more efficient, reduce paperwork and automate data storage.
This app has a web panel which completes DgEd as a whole product.
We believe that corrections and improvements in the app can never be exhaustive which calls out for theneed to consistently improve new and existing DgEd features improving quality of education.
DgEd acts as a gate way for technology to enter into classrooms mechanizing the lives of teachers andparents allowing better coordination, reducing work load and paper load.
DgEd connects homes to schools transforming them into single units associating children education so that they learn better in continuation every second of everyday.
Parents and teachers in direct contact can send and receive valuable information in time saving more for actions or corrections in response which in turn helps to further smooth out the education system.
A boon for teachers who get to write homework diary only once on DgEd for parents to access anytime anywhere.
Enabling the user to follow class sequence. Timetables fed into DgEd can be referred repeatedly with convenience.
Relax your memory and allow DgEd to do the job! Informing you of any upcoming events.
No chance to miss the notice board anymore with all notifications being updated on DgEd to pop up on your cell phones.
Its time you call out your attendance to DgEd! Staff and student attendance can now be recorded andretrieved more conveniently on DgEd.
Share test schedules with parents and get a reminder alert two days before. Attachments of files or pictures are also available.
iOS and Android are one of the biggest determining factors when it comes to selecting a mobile platform to attract audience. If we target a single group of user so it would restrict our app facility to other platform users. To overcome this situation, we are focusing on a cross platform app. Our team is working hard to launch DgEd on Windows Store in order for it to be accessible for all.
DgEd team is extremely helpful and efficient. We have been using the app since August 2016 and they havecontinued to provide us with support, as required, and after sales service and care.
Continuous product improvement and excellent customer service sets DgEd apart. Since the beginning, ourworking relationship has fostered a sense of partnership and growth mindset. All the best to Team DgEd fortheir future endeavours.
DgEd has streamlined the process of communication between the school and the parents by allowing us tocontact our entire parent body instantly.
Your customer service makes you different from the others. These guys deserve a good success.
DgEd will helps schools in sending fee bills online to parents and providing automated reconciliation through our accounts management system.
Are you afraid of sharing your personal info? Don’t worry! Now your school has their own personalize chat.You can chat anytime without sharing your personal information
DgEd provides mobile application that connects parents with their child school transport system, enablingthem to locate their child and school bus at any given moment during their school bus route.
We take your existing custom report card and electronically convert it into the digital report card module. Theprogress report module in the app allows the teacher to record/track progress reports anytime.